As a developer, discovering a comprehensive online resource hub can be quite a challenge. In this article, I’ll guide you through 7 websites tailored to cater to your developer needs and preferences, making them essential additions to your toolbox.
Turn your code into beautiful images using this site. You can choose from a range of syntax colors, hide or show the background, and toggle between a dark and light window. If you are a developer you can easily create beautiful screenshots of source code through this app and share on various social apps such as instagram, twitter and facebook.

IconStore is a library of free, vector (SVG) icons created by talented designers to download for commercial use.
All the icons published on the IconStore are made to be used freely.

Use markdown editor and templates to easily create a ReadMe for your next projects. Easy way to create a README file using simple editor provided by the application. It allows you to quickly add and customize all the sections you need for your project’s readme.

4. Lorem Picsum
Lorem Picsum provides random or specific uploaded images as placeholders. Here you can view all the images Lorem Picsum provides. Developers need to specify a desired image size (width & height) at the end of the request URL.

5. GitBook
GitBook is a modern documentation platform where teams can document everything from products to internal knowledge bases and APIs. It makes it easy to research, plan and document products, from start to ship.

6. Figma
Figma is a collaborative web application for interface design, with additional offline features enabled by desktop applications for macOS and Windows. Build an iterative design flow with live collaboration that keeps you in the loop whether you’re working in the office or remotely.

6. LottieFiles
Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that enables designers to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets. They are small files that work on any device and can scale up or down without pixelation. LottieFiles lets you create, edit, test, collaborate and ship a Lottie in the easiest way possible.

So that’s it keep growing keep development.